aka Ivorforce / : blink :Games and More
Let's Make a Game (Video Series)
I'm creating a game and posting videos about cool techniques!
Sprout and Speak
A cozy interactive experience for GMTK Game Jam 2024. You play a seedling that grows very fast.
A godot tensor math library.
A short survival horror game about vegetable sacrifice for ludum dare 52.
Wizard Hat
An idle game I never finished.
A board game for two players.
Game of Life
A game of life implementation, with genetics for colors.
The first game I ever made :> You dodge enemies and summon magic.
Arena Hacker
An unfinished game where you keep close to enemies to damage them.
Other Projects
A scientific programming language for making transpiled libraries. Work in Progress.
Ten Tunes
A modern manager for your music. Optimized for DJs.
Eleven Tunes
WIP manager for your music, supporting Spotify and local files.
ESP32 Firmware for an LED Fan.
Git Diff Stepper
A small app that lets you step through a file's git log with animations.
Coco Storage
Now obsolete file hosting frontend for macOS.
APIs, Libraries and Demos
ReactiveX ipywidgets for complex iPython notebooks.
A python class decorator similar to dataclass that uses a contiguous numpy array to store values.
A tiny (< 200 LOC) rust crate that allows you to pass options around in Display and Debug.
Godot 4 Custom Gravity
A sample project for Godot 4 with custom gravity controls.
Minecraft Mods
Recurrent Complex
A structure mod for Minecraft.
Pandora's Box
Arcade Item Mod.
Shader-driven drug experience mod.
GravityCraft + MineUp
Gravity and stacked dimensions mod.
Ye Gamol Chattels
Furniture mod.
Minecraft Library for opts-style command arguments
Bad Ores
Parody ore / mining mod. Made for ModJam 4.